The present invention relates to an apparatus for eradication of invasive species of hogweed: Heracleum sosnovskyi, Giant Hogweed (H. mantegazzianum), and/or H. persicum and method of their eradication using the apparatus. The apparatus according to the invention comprises of a longitudinal handle (1), to which a spike (3) is fastened stiffly, and around the spike (3) there is a coil spring (2) fixed to the handle (1), to which there is attached a hole saw cutter (4) at a free end inside the coil spring (2) there is fixed a compressible well-absorbing material (5), the said coil spring (2) with the hole saw cutter (4) is shorter than the spike (3). Method for hogweed eradication according to this invention consists in that after locating hogweed, since spring there are sought namely two-year and older plants of 0.5÷1 m height and then such plant(s) is(are) to be pricked vertically with an apparatus according to the invention monitoring that the spike enters 10÷20 cm below soil level into the plant root through a root neck, while during pricking a shoot (stem and petioles) is cut and destroyed with hole saw cutter, and due to spring compression on absorptive material there is applied herbicide, which has been previously added to the material the herbicide flow down both onto shoot and into root through grooves in the spike. The procedure is to be repeated for 4-5 years on newly come-up plants up to destroying all individual plants in one place, paying attention that a single plant does not seed.La présente invention concerne un appareil déradication despèces envahissantes de berce commune : dHeracleum sosnovskyi, de berce du Caucase (H. mantegazzianum) et/ou de H. persicum, et un procédé pour leur éradication à laide de lappareil. Lappareil selon linvention comprend un manche longitudinal (1), auquel est solidarisée une pointe (3) un ressort hélicoïdal (2) fixé au manche (1) autour de la pointe (3) et un élément de coupe de scie cylindrique fixé au ressort (4) à un