1. A biomedical electrode comprising: a) a flat top portion having a hole b) a lower part imeyuschuyugibky flange having an upward slant, upwardly projecting head portion which can be fixed in an opening, the upwardly projecting head is disposed on a flexible flange flange disposed at the junction between the head portion and a flexible flange and c) the electrode material, wherein the flange is provided so as to provide a stop to create a predetermined deflection of the flexible flange when the flat top part, along with the electrode material is pressed against the flexible flantsu.2. according to claim electrode. 1, wherein each of the distal ends of the upwardly inclined flexible flange is in a first predetermined height from the bottom of the flexible flange, the flange is located at the second predetermined height from the bottom of the flexible flange, and wherein the first predetermined height greater than the second predetermined vysota.3. An electrode according to claim. 2, wherein the predetermined deviation is formed by shifting each of the distal ends of the flexible flange of a first predetermined height to a second predetermined vysote.4. An electrode according to Claim. 1, wherein the flat top portion is a magnetic / magnetizable for connection to biomedical ustroystvu.5. An electrode according to Claim. 1, characterized in that the flange for pressing with a force that varies in the range of from about 5 N to about 20 H.6. An electrode according to Claim. 1, characterized in that the flange has a conical formu.7. An electrode according to Claim. 1, characterized in that the lower part is elektroprovodnoy.8. An electrode according to Claim. 1, wherein the flat top1. Биомедицинский электрод, содержащий:a) плоскую верхнюю часть, имеющую отверстиеb) нижнюю часть, имеющуюгибкий фланец, имеющий направленный вверх скосвыступающий вверх головной участок, который может быть зафиксирован в отверстии, при этом выступающая вверх головка расположена на гибком фл