1. Corner piece dental implant for increased recovery after surgery to implant a dental implant comprising: (A) an implant rod having a first shaft section which is integrally connected to the second shaft section; ! (B) support head is integrally connected to the first rod section, wherein said support head comprises at least one carrier surface defining a plane not perpendicular to the longitudinal central axis of said implant! wherein said first rod section has a configuration of the rod in which the rod diameter is gradually reduced depending on the distance from said support head to the minimum diameter of the first stem section, and then progressively increases to the diameter of the second shaft section, thereby increasing blood flow and regeneration of connective tissue during implantation dental implant. ! 2. The one-piece dental implant according to claim 1, wherein said support head comprises at least one threaded joint for attachment of dental prostheses and bridges to said support head. ! 3. The one-piece dental implant according to claim 1, wherein said support head comprises at least one mating surface disposed on an outer surface of said supporting head for rotation, a tool created for insertion having corresponding mating geometry. ! 4. The one-piece dental implant according to claim 1, wherein said second rod section has a carved rod having a rod diameter is gradually reduced depending on the distance from said first shaft section. ! 5. A process for enhanced1. Угловой цельный зубной имплантат для повышенного восстановления после операции по вживлению зубного имплантата, включающий: ! (a) стержень имплантата, имеющий первую стержневую секцию, интегрально соединенную со второй стержневой секцией; ! (b) опорную головку, интегрально соединенную с первой стержневой секцией, где указанная опорная головка имеет по меньшей мере одну несущую поверхность, определяющую плоскость, не перпендикулярную к продольной, центральной оси указанного имплантата, ! г