1. The disc harrow, comprising a frame with elements aggregation and transportation, in which three rows of hingedly on the individual racks, through the bearing assemblies, inclined to the vertical, with the possibility to change the attack angle synchronously in each row are mounted spherical discs, wherein that the concave discs of the first and second rows are oriented identically in each row, with the concavity of the first row of discs opposite the concavity of the second row of discs, and the left- and pravooborachivayuschie concave discs of the third row of ientirovany concave sides to the longitudinal axis borony.2. Disc harrow according to claim 1, characterized in that the additional bodies ryhlyaschimi example diskovye.3 can be installed between the second and third rows of discs. Disc harrow according to claim 1, characterized in that next to the longitudinal axis of the concave discs of the first and second rows may be aligned to this osi.4 concavities. Disc harrow according to claim 1, characterized in that next to the longitudinal axis of the concave discs of the first and second rows may be oriented concavities from this osi.5. Disc harrow according to claim 1, characterized in that the spherical disks can be attached to the individual uprights by means of bearing assemblies with concave side spherical diskov.6. Disc harrow according to claim 1, characterized in that the spherical disks can be attached to the individual uprights by means of bearing units on the convex side spherical diskov.7. Disc harrow according to claim 1, characterized in that the harrow in working position can be based on kolesa.8. Disc harrow according to claim 1, characterized in that the front and / or rear harrow can We establish1. Борона дисковая, содержащая раму с элементами агрегатирования и транспортировки, на которой в три ряда, шарнирно, на индивидуальных стойках, посредством подшипниковых узлов, наклонно к вертикали, с возможностью синхронно изменять угол атаки в каж