A method of making a bioactive gel from an extracellular matrix material (MEC or ECM), including: a) providing an extracellular matrix material obtained from a layer of Mammalian tissue selected from a group that includes the following: the submucosa of the small intestine, the submucosa of the urinary bladder, the matrix of the urinary bladder - which includes the epithelial basement membrane - and the basement membrane of the liver, and comprising components bioactives of the extracellular matrix material that are arranged in a manner and in amounts similar to that of the tissue in its native or original form; b) particularize the extracellular matrix material of a); c) solubilizing the particularized extracellular matrix material of b) in an alkaline solution at concentrations of particularized ECM relative to NaOH of between 0.1% and 20% at 4 ° C to form a gel; d) neutralizing the gel from step c) by adding an acid; and e) subjecting the gel from step d) to a resting period of 1-48 hours, 12-36 hours, or 36-48 hours, or a few days, for example 3-7 days, in a cold room or at room temperature. ambient.Un método para fabricar un gel bioactivo a partir de un material de matriz extracelular (MEC o ECM, por las siglas en inglés de 'extracellular matrix'), de manera que incluye: a) proporcionar un material de matriz extracelular obtenido de una capa de tejido de mamífero seleccionado de un grupo que incluye los siguientes: la submucosa del intestino delgado, la submucosa de la vejiga urinaria, la matriz de la vejiga urinaria -que incluye la membrana basal epitelial- y la membrana basal del hígado, y que comprende componentes bioactivos del material de la matriz extracelular que se disponen de una manera y en cantidades similares a las del tejido en su forma nativa u original; b) particularizar el material de matriz extracelular de a); c) solubilizar el material de matriz extracelular particularizado de b) en una solución alcalina en concentraciones de ECM particulariza