1. LED phyto-lamp with a solar battery, consisting of a body on the upper surface of which a solar battery is located, and on the lower surface there is a reflector in which at least one LED is located, which is connected through a switch to a battery located inside the body and a solar battery , while the connection of the solar battery with the storage battery is made through a diode, characterized in that the body is conventionally divided along its length into two unequal parts, on the most part of which, on its upper surface, at least one solar battery is placed, and a reflector is placed on the lower surface , which houses at least one blue LED with a radiation wavelength of 400-500 nm and one red LED with a radiation wavelength of 600-700 nm, while the rechargeable battery is placed inside the case in a part that is smaller along its length, perpendicular to its length and along it side wall, and a hole or bushing is made in the body from below, pa located in the space between the battery and the reflector, by means of which the housing can be put on top of the holder made in the form of a vertical rod, the lower end of which is adapted for sticking into the ground. 2. The LED phyto-lamp according to claim 1, characterized in that a voltage converter is included in the electrical circuit of the device, which makes it possible to increase the voltage when it is transferred from the battery to the LEDs. LED phyto-lamp according to claim 1, characterized in that a switch or a microcontroller is included in the electrical circuit of the device, which allows you to turn on the blue and red �Полезная модель относится к световым приборам, а именно к светильникам с определенным спектром излучаемого света, используемым для досветки растений, которым не хватает солнечного света, к так называемым фитосветильникам.Техническим результатом предложенной полезной модели является снижение стоимости устройства и более удобная для установки, позиционирования и эксплуатации устр