1. Tracking methods for containers containing pollutants, including: labeling each vacuum container produced by the container supplier's factory with RFID radio frequency identification chip (2), and transporting it to the empty container's repository (4) (1);5. Transport the empty containers (1) to the polluting substances processing plant (1) fill these containers with polluting substances and transport them to the storage of the polluting substances processing plant (6); Transport to the wholesaler (1) package full of pollutants (7) and store in the wholesaler's warehouse (8); transport to the retailer (9) package full of pollutants (1) and store in the retailer's warehouse (10);1. Deliver the container (1) filled with pollutants to the user, and the user will transport it to (1) the scope of activity where the container is emptied (11); 1. Disposal (1) and transportation (12) of empty containers used within the user's scope of activity to a temporary storage center (13) for crushing and destroying (14) empty containers, while using tags containing identity chips (2)RFID RF reflectivity added The tracking or reading point (1) of the information contained in the RFID RFID chip of each container can be set at the inlet and outlet (4) of the container supplier's factory repository.At the entrance and exit (6) of the warehouse of the pollutant processing plant, the entrance and exit (8) of the warehouse of the wholesaler, the entrance and exit (10) of the warehouse of the retailer and the entrance of the temporary storage center (13). RFID chip contains the special electronic product code of each container.Método de trazabilidad de envases que contienen sustancias contaminantes que comprende: la fijación en cada envase vacío (1) producido en la fábrica proveedora de envases de una etiqueta (2) con un chip de identificación por radiofrecuencia RFID y su transporte (3) al depósito de almacenamiento (4) de dichos envases vacíos (1); el transporte (5) de los envases vací