PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To solve the problem that, when an on-wheelchair person operates a wheelchair by him/herself, he/she directly grips self-propelling hand rims with hands, puts force on the rims, and rotates the self-propelling hand rims to transmit power to connected assistance wheels, thereby to perform an operation for advance, retraction, and stop, etc., but a physically-disabled person or an aged person having a walking problem with reduced strength, etc., extremely exhausts him/herself and is not fixed in a sitting posture when manually operating the wheelchair within a large range or in a place with steps.SOLUTION: When the on-wheelchair person operates the wheelchair by him/herself, in place of a conventional manual operation, the self-propelling hand rims are rotated by the leverage with the use of drive levers arranged on both sides of the wheelchair to transmit the power to the connected assistance wheels, thereby to perform the operation for advance, retraction, and stop, etc. Consequently, a power introduction device solves the conventional problem of the physically disabled on-wheelchair person.COPYRIGHT: (C)2013,JPO&INPIT【課題】従来、車椅子を搭乗者が自力で操作する場合に自走ハンドリムを直接手で握り、それに力を加えて自走ハンドリムを回転させ、連結されている介助輪に動力を伝達する、前進、後退、停止等の操作を行なう上で、身障者や体力の劣えた足の不自由な高齢者等の手漕による車椅子の操作は行動範囲や段差のある場所では体力の消耗も甚しく搭乗姿勢も一定しない等の課題が多様にあったものである。【解決手段】車椅子を搭乗者が自力で操作する場合に従来の手漕に変り、車椅子の両側に設けた駆動レバーを用いて梃の作用で、自走ハンドリムを回転させ、連結している介助輪に動力を伝達して、前進、後退、停止等の操作を行うものである、本発明の動力導入装置により足腰の不自由な搭乗者の従来の不便も解決されるものである。【選択図】図1