abstractlight and sound beaconThe invention relates to a device playback information that enable blind and visually impaired people to navigate in space.The technical result of the proposed utility model is to increase the visibility of the device. This is due to the fact that as a means of attracting attention light is used LED display, which is characterized by high brightness and contrast. At the same time, the use of LED display consisting of a plurality of LEDs arranged on a substrate, makes it possible not just to attract attention by including the scoreboard, but also to create unevenly distributed light field, allowing to transmit visual information to visually impaired people in the form of, for example, text messages or icons by changing the emission intensity of each LED.When the second control unit device submits on LED display signal to start displaying visual information coming from a source of visual information. When a person enters the motion sensor coverage area, the motion detector goes into the state "is movement" and submits a corresponding signal to the first control unit. Upon receipt of this signal, the first control unit generates a signal on an output to the loudspeaker audio messages from the source audio information. In this case, start playback audio messages. When switching the motion sensor back to the state "no movement", the first control unit generates a signal on termination of reproducing audio messages.РефератСветозвуковой маякПолезная модель относится к устройствам воспроизведения информации, которые дают возможность незрячим и слабовидящим людям ориентироваться в пространстве.Техническим результатом предлагаемой полезной модели является повышение заметности устройства. Это обусловлено тем, что в качестве светового средства привлечения внимания использовано светодиодное табло, которому характерна высокая яркость и контрастность. При этом, использование светодиодного табло, состоящего из множества светодиодов, расположенных на по