An object of the present invention in the arch supporters , it is difficult to come off to be able to easily removable without how hassle , to provide a shock can be arch shock absorption function with supporters able to absorb applied to the arch part . A for the arch portion of the sole is is fixed Become a bag-like , there is no worry that dislodged or shift even after a long period of time , cotton or non-woven fabric to the back foot of the arch part 2 , it was special processing and material I absorb the shock applied to the arch part has entered , and the like. [ Selection Figure Figure 3【課題】土踏まずサポーターで、いかにわずらわしさがなく簡単に着脱できて外れにくく、土踏まず部分にかかる衝撃を吸収する事が出来る土踏まずショック吸収機能付きサポーターを提供する。【解決手段】足裏の土踏まず部分は袋状になって固定しているため、長時間経ってもずれたり外れたりする心配がなくなり、足裏の土踏まず部分2に綿や不織布、特殊加工した素材などが入っており土踏まず部分にかかる衝撃を吸収する。【選択図】図3