The present invention provides a pharmaceutical composition for treating pets having renal failure caused by various deceases or incapable of recovering health through conventional or kidney replacement renal failure treatment. The pharmaceutical composition according to the present invention is administered to the pet body for treatment by hypodermic injection, having the advantages of simple usage, no surgery, no hospitalization and/or intravenous therapy, fast recovery, medical expense reduction, and significant recovery rate increase and mortality rate reduction. The pharmaceutical composition according to the present invention may also be applied to continuous health care treatment for pet renal failure.本發明係有關用於治療因為各種疾病所造成的腎衰竭或是經傳統或腎取代性腎衰竭醫療無法恢復健康的寵物之醫藥組合物,本發明之醫藥組合物係藉由皮下注射方式給藥至寵物身上給予治療,具有簡單使用、無需手術、住院及/或點滴、健康恢復快速、降低醫療費用、大幅增加恢復率和降低致死率等優點。本發明之醫藥組合物亦可應用於寵物腎衰竭之持續照護治療。