Abstract in this application are described high affinity anti gD2 antibody agents, and various methods and reagents related thereto, including for example for the detection, prevention.And \/ or therapeutical treatment of gD2 related diseases, in particular, neuroblastoma. Translation of the summary summary \"gD2 antibodies of high affinity\".They are agents of antibodies of high affinity and gD2 several methods and reagents related thereto, including, for example, for detection.\u00b4preven\u00e7\u00e3o and \/ or therapeutic treatment of diseases associated with gD2, in particular, neuroblastoma.abstract in this application are described high affinity anti-gd2 antibody agents, and various methods and reagents related thereto, including for example for the detection, prevention, and/or therapeutical treatment of gd2-related diseases, in particular, neuroblastoma. tradução do resumo resumo "anticorpos anti-gd2 de alta afinidade". tratam-se de agentes de anticorpos anti-gd2 de elevada afinidade e vários métodos e reagentes relacionados com o mesmo, incluindo, por exemplo, para detecção, ´prevenção e/ou tratamento terapêutico de doenças relacionadas com gd2, em particular, neuroblastoma.