The invention relates to a system for producing pharmaceutical objects, suchas tablets, granules and capsules, via 3Dprinting. The system comprises a 3D printing machine (2) with a mechanicalsystem (3) movable in one or more directions, at leastone print head (5) with a nozzle (37) being movable by the mechanical system(3) and a base system (4) carrying a print base (6) forreceiving a prepared mixture (27) applied by the print head (5). The systemcomprises at least one carrier (35) for holding a cartridge(28).Printing can be done on formatted print locations (49) on the base (6).The invention further relates to a method for producingpharmaceutical objects, comprising the steps of providing at least onepharmaceutical substance in at least one cartridge, placing thecartridge in a carrier, establishing a fluid connection between a cartridgeand a print head, such that the pharmaceutical substance mayleave the print head through the print head nozzle, moving the print headnozzle according to a 3D print program and dispensing thepharmaceutical substance to a print base.