1. A system for washing comprising: a liquid container for rinsing Probe, user input, wherein said probe comprises an inflatable balloon for fixing the catheter in the body cavity, a first pump for direct or indirect pressurization of the fluid for washing the container to the probe, the second pump inflating fluid into the balloon to inflate, a control unit for controlling the transmission of said liquid and said rinsing fluid, wherein said control unit further comprises a valve for discharging the fluid of the balloon to deflate, said valve element is equipped with a control cylinder with hand-operated control button and preferably isistemu tubes providing hydraulic connection between said container, a control unit and a probe, wherein said control unit and said first and second pumps are formed as an integrated one-piece component, and wherein said control element is a cylinder with a manual control located near the second nasosom.2. System for washing according to claim. 1, characterized in that at least one of the first and the second pump is a pump with manual control, e.g., a pump or blower bellows nasos.3. System for washing according to claim. 2, characterized in that both the first and second pumps are hand-operated pumps, such as pumps or blower bellows nasosy.4. System for washing according to claim. 3, characterized in that the control unit further comprises a control valve for pressure relief in the reservoir container, said valve equipped with a manual control element capacity, and preferably to1. Система для промывания, содержащая:емкость для жидкости для промываниязонд, вводимый пользователю, причем указанный зонд содержит надуваемый баллон для фиксации катетера в полости телапервый насос для прямого или непрямого накачивания жидкости для промывания из емкости в зондвторой насос для накачивания текучей среды в баллон для надуванияблок управления для управления передачей указанной жидкости для промывания и указанной текучей среды, причем указанный бл