1. Use of a combination (i) kinase inhibitor that induces autophagy, and (ii) autophagy inhibitor for the prevention or treatment of neoplasm in mlekopitayuschego.2. Use according to claim 1 wherein said kinase inhibitor that induces autophagy, and said autophagy inhibitor are present in a synergistically effective kolichestvah.3. Use according to claim 1, wherein the autophagy inhibitor is an inhibitor of the induction phase, sequestration, or fusion autofagii.4 degradation. Use according to claim 3, wherein the autophagy inhibitor is a lysosomotropic sredstvo.5. Use according to claim 4, wherein said lysosomotropic agent is an antiparasitic sredstvo.6. Use according to claim 4, wherein said lysosomotropic agent is a vacuolar proton ATPase ingibitor.7. Use according to claim 4, wherein said lysosomotropic agent is an agent acting on krovoobrascheniya.8 system. Use according to claim 4, wherein said lysosomotropic agent is a cytotoxic sredstvo.9. Use according to claim 4, wherein said lysosomotropic agent is an agent that affects lipid metabolism, antibiotic or gormon.10. Use according to any one of claims 1-9, wherein said kinase inhibitor that induces autophagy inhibitor is selected from Akt, PI3K, mTOR, PDK1 and p70S6K.11 inhibitor. Use according to any one of claims 1-9, wherein said tumor is a sarcoma or kartsinomu.12. Use according to any one of claims 1-9, wherein said tumor is a squamous kartsinomu.13. Use according to any one of claims 1-9, wherein said neoplasm is an adenoma1. Применение комбинации (i) ингибитора киназы, который индуцирует аутофагию, и (ii) ингибитора аутофагии для профилактики или лечения новообразования у млекопитающего.2. Применение по п.1, где указанный ингибитор киназы, который индуцирует аутофагию, и указанный ингибитор аутофагии присутствуют в синергически эффективных количествах.3. Применение по п.1, где указанный ингибитор аутофагии представляет собой ингибитор фазы индукции, секвестрации, слияния или деградации аутофагии.4. Приме