The present invention relates to a method forgrowing, rapidly and massively ex vivo, cells collectedfrom a living subject to provide a safe and effectivepharmaceutical preparation for biological tissuerepair/regeneration. Specifically, the present inventionrelates to a method for growing cells in a samplecollected from a living subject by culturing the cells ina medium containing allogeneic (including autogenic)serum. Preferably the allogeneic serum has beendetermined as being negative for a serum tumor markerand/or an infectious factors, and the amount of theanticoagulant (e.g., heparin, a heparin derivative, or asalt thereof) added to the collected sample is less thanU/mL with respect to the volume of the sample or theamount of the anticoagulant in the medium at the start ofculture is less than 0.5 U/mL. The present inventionfurther relates to use of the method.