FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to field of medicine, namely to infectious diseases. To predict course of chronic hepatitis B and C clinical and laboratory signs and their evaluation in points are determined. The following prognostic signs are determined for patient: way of infection, disease duration, age, when infection occurred, presence of accompanying diseases, patients complaints, data of clinical examination, results of laboratory and instrumental tests: general blood test, biochemical blood test, level of viral loading, USE, liver elastometry. Prognostic signs are evaluated in points in accordance with "Chart for predicting course of chronic viral hepatitis B and C". Obtained points are summed up and activity of chronic viral hepatitis is assessed by the total sum of obtained points. In case of minimal degree of activity: from 1 to 8 points and mildly expressed degree of activity: from 9 to 16 points, prognosis is favourable. In case of moderately expressed degree of activity: from 17 to 30 points and expressed degree of activity: more than 30 points, prognosis is unfavourable.EFFECT: method makes it possible to evaluate prognosis of disease course more accurately, gives possibility to determine further tactics as to diagnostics and treatment of each particular patient, increases diagnostics accuracy, contributes to prevention of complications.5 tbl, 4 exИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к инфекционным болезням. Для прогнозирования течения хронических вирусных гепатитов В и С выделяют клинико-лабораторные признаки и их балльную оценку. У больного выделяют следующие прогностические признаки: путь заражения, длительность заболевания, возраст, когда произошло инфицирование, наличие сопутствующих заболеваний, жалобы больного, данные клинического осмотра, результаты лабораторных и инструментальных методов исследования: общий анализ крови, биохимический анализ крови, уровень вирусной нагрузки, УЗИ, эластометрия печени. Прогностические