Muzzle Clamps provided in general for animal control, the safety of Animal Control Officers and the public in general, and the prevention of harm to other animals and property by animal bites, and the prevention of the spreading of rabies and other diseases when properly used. Muzzle Clamps comprise at least one frame 1, to which at least one clamp 2 is moveably attached. Said clamp is triggered by at least one trigger 3. The said Muzzle Clamp may be detachably attached to a staff 8, which engages a socket 9, by means of any detaching mechanism, from which it may be released once the clamps have been triggered, released, snapped shut and closed so that the animal can be controlled by at least one leash as preferred. Said leash or leashes may be attached to at least one leash attachment rings 10, so that the animal may be handled without the risk or danger of biting said Animal Control Officers. The said Muzzle Clamps may have at least one pawl 6 which may be released so that the muzzle of the animal can be released again when desired, and so that the Muzzle Clamps can be used again.