LifeChair, A system which tracks a user’s sitting posture and provides haptic feedback through a pressure sensory chair or chair cushion to encourage upright posture.
#$%^&*AU2017101323B420180628.pdf#####LifeChair - Abstract A system which tracks a user's sitting posture and provides haptic feedback through a pressure sensory chair or chair cushion to encourage upright posture while sitting. The sensory component of the seat utilizes a predetermined array of pressure sensitive sensors that detect both the presence and posture of the user. The sensor array can calibrate to the user's sitting conditions using a guided setup routine implemented in an application. The algorithm for detecting states of sitting posture is applied as a classification table. When the system detects incorrect sitting posture such as slouching, haptic feedback will be directly delivered to the user through vibration or sound, preferably through the chair. Furthermore, the vibration location on the user's back is relative to the area in need of immediate posture correction. A developed haptic feedback language is used to communicate to the user different conditions which require attention. Depending on the frequency, magnitude and pattern of the vibration, the user will determine if the system is alarming them to correct posture, stand up and take a break or to drink water.