Куцеев Владимир Васильевич (RU),Голицын Александр Сергеевич (RU),Артюхин Дмитрий Александрович (RU)
The utility model belongs to the field of agricultural engineering, in particular to seeders, which implements the principle of intrasoil spreading of seeds covered with a shell.To increase the yield by ensuring a given density of standing of plants when sowing with shell-coated seeds, by decreasing the deviations from the preset seeding rate, from the set seeding depth to the soil, and increasing the uniformity of seed distribution in the horizontal plane of the field in the seeder containing hopper 1, a seed distributor 3, openers 4 fixed to the frame 5 and including a post 6, a ripper leg 7, and a seed separator 8 with a vertical channel 9 and an outlet 15, a comb-seal 10 made of two astey, the first of which plate 12 is fixed from below by ripper paw, forming with it a triangular wedge, the second part of the seal ridge is formed as a timber 13 disposed behind the coulter semyaukladyvatelyami 8 4 a flexible connection according to the utility model,The use of the proposed seeder in comparison with the known seeders will allow to reduce the deviation from the set seeding rate of seed covered with shell, to increase the uniformity of their distribution along the working width of the picking claw on the surface of the seed bed, the accuracy of the specified depth of their setting in the soil, and, as a consequence, productivity of cultivated crops.Полезная модель относится к области сельскохозяйственного машиностроения, в частности к сеялкам, реализующим принцип внутрипочвенного разбросного посева семян, покрытых оболочкой.Для повышения урожайности за счет обеспечения заданной густоты стояния растений при посеве семенами, покрытыми оболочками, путем уменьшения отклонений от заданной нормы высева, от заданной глубины заделки в почву и повышения равномерности распределения семян в горизонтальной плоскости поля в сеялке, содержащей бункер 1, дозатор 2, распределитель семян 3, сошники 4, закрепленные на раме 5 и включающие стойку 6, рыхлительную лапу 7 и семяукладывате