An inhaler is disclosed. It comprises a housing to receive a strip having a plurality of blisters, each blister having a breachable lid and containing a dose of medicament for inhalation by a user, an indexing wheel mounted in the housing rotatable to drive a strip to sequentially move blisters into alignment with a blister piercing member, a control element pivotally mounted to the housing and a drive mechanism configured to couple the control element to the indexing wheel during part of the rotation of the control element by a user so that the indexing wheel rotates together with the control element.本發明揭露一種吸入器,其包括一外殼,一索引輪,一控制元件,以及一驅動機構,其中之外殼用以容納含多個藥囊之一條帶,各藥囊具有一可撕裂之蓋子且含有一劑量之藥劑以供一使用者吸入,索引輪架設於外殼上且能夠旋轉來驅動一條帶,俾令藥囊依序移動而對準於一藥囊穿剌構件,控制元件樞轉式地架設於外殼上,而驅動機構配置成當使用者部份旋轉控制元件時,驅動機構會耦接控制元件至索引輪,是故索引輪能夠與控制元件與一起旋轉。10...吸入裝置11...索引機構12...外殼12a...孔洞13...藥囊座14...致動器15...索引輪15a、15b、15c、15d...翼片16a、16b、16c、16d...放大頭部17...驅動耦接構件18...軸桿18a...開口22...凸緣撓曲卡掣塊23...第一傾斜嚙合面24...第二傾斜嚙合面25...固定結構物26...索引輪驅動卡掣塊26a、26b...末端面27...最內側軌道27a、27b...最內側軌道末端30...懸臂31...頭部31a...突出物32...信箱型開口