Yi Seed cutters, the blade, bis- Tight of Bao Kuo mono- Long shapes consolidate the short Side United Knot Pian With bis- Group blades of what blade. The Shovel swords and Yi Right Vertical of Mei Group blade Bao Kuo mono- Let Dao Pian Long Side founds the cutting blade by Shovel swords Two. Each cutting blade according to Jiao Du Xie Let United Knot Pian Tight O Shovel swords Side Edge. The cutter for enabling this Chong make is not in the case where increasing production cost Strip parts, the service life of Pro You Twin times.一種刀具,包括一長形的刀片、二緊固於刀片短邊的聯結片與二組刃部。每組刃部包括一設在刀片長邊的剷刃和一對豎立剷刃兩旁的切刃。每一切刃依角度斜設在聯結片緊鄰剷刃的邊緣。令本創作的刀具在不增加生產成本的條件下,擁有雙倍的使用期限。