SCHUMM, Stephan Georg,DE FOLTER, Julius Wouter Johannes
(b) organic food: for the production of organic food and natural gas, the pH value is 3.0-5.0, 30-78% by weight of oil, 65-20% by weight of water, 0.5-6% by weight of protein and ampere; for the production of edible oil, the pH value is between 3.0-5.0%; for the production of organic food and natural gas; Nico of yolk powder (dry weight) and yolk (dry weight); Nico of yolk (dry weight); Nico of yolk (wet); EST amp; Aacute; is composed of CI amp; oacute; n de lipproite amp; Iacute; low density Na (LDL),Liveina, leopote amp, Iacute, HDL, fosvitina, M amp, eacute, all of these stages include: A. heating hydrate L amp; Iacute; liquid, including a first part CI amp; oacute; yolk plasma, producing L amp; Iacute; yolk treatment liquid T amp; eacute; and AMP. B. prepare the first preliminary identification sheet; oacute; oil, water, fracci oacute; n de GR Aacute; yolk zero, and select the second fraction and ampere; oacute; yolk plasma;C. mix L amp; Iacute; yolk liquid T amp; eacute; with prior mulsi amp; n production; oacute; n; D. add one or M amp; Aacute; s acidules; and E. make the second penalty consistent with amp; oacute; n production of emulsion and amp; oacute; n in water; Among them, protein and ampere components; Iacute; yolk Nico of latex and ampere; oacute; oil in water contains the following components: propyl and ampere; oacute; N: ampere; midot; 60-75% of LDL weight; 8-14% of LDL weight; ampere; midot; 11-18% of HDL weight; Anpei; midot; 2-5% of weight; fosina / LT by weight.<;p>;LA INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UN MÉ;TODO PARA PRODUCIR UNA EMULSIÓ;N ACEITE EN AGUA COMESTIBLE QUE TIENE UN PH QUE OSCILA ENTRE 3,0 Y 5,0 Y QUE COMPRENDE ENTRE EL 30 Y EL 78% EN PESO DE ACEITE, ENTRE EL 65 Y EL 20% EN PESO DE AGUA Y ENTRE EL 0,5 Y EL 6% EN PESO DE COMPONENTE PROTEÍ;NICO DE YEMA DE HUEVO EN PESO SECO, Y DICHO COMPONENTE PROTEÍ;NICO DE YEMA DE HUEVO ESTÁ; COMPUESTO POR UNA COMBINACIÓ;N DE LIPOPROTEÍ;N