Vis-a-vis the bean after the , flow or temperature etc of the cold air at cooling in time of cooling processing it is stabilized driving the machine to high accuracy to control possible, low it designates that efficient cooling operation is actualized at cost as purpose with this. Vis-a-vis the bean after the , as it closes circulates the cold air for cooling from the air, it cools the cold air for cooling with the heat exchanger 31 which is provided in closed circulating road 30 of the cold air for cooling in the cooling method of the bean which it tries to cool quickly, with the low temperature brine, in the blower 32,33 where it detects the inlet temperature of cooling tank 20 of the cold air for cooling, in order for the said detection value to become set temperature, controls the flow or temperature of the low temperature brine which is supplied to heat exchanger 31, in closed circulating road 30 of high-level side and downstream side of the said heat exchanger husband it providesThe cold air circulating quantity and cold air pressure of the said closed circulating road were controlled, continual cooling processing was made possible as the processing every of batches by machine 11 to do estimate cold of cooling processing of front batch after the and cooling tank 20 in the same time zone.焙煎後の豆に対し、冷却処理時の冷却用冷風の流量又は温度等を高精度に制御可能にして、焙煎機の運転を安定化させ、これによって、低コストで効率的な焙煎冷却運転を実現することを目的とする。焙煎後の豆に対し、冷却用冷風を外気より閉鎖循環させ、急速冷却するようにした豆の焙煎冷却方法において、冷却用冷風の閉鎖循環路30に設けた熱交換器31で低温ブラインにより冷却用冷風を冷却すると共に、冷却用冷風の冷却槽20の入口温度を検出し、該検出値が設定温度となるように熱交換器31に供給される低温ブラインの流量又は温度を制御し、該熱交換器の上流側及び下流側の閉鎖循環路30に夫々設けたブロア32,33により該閉鎖循環路の冷風循環量及び冷風圧力を制御し、焙煎機11による1バッチ毎の焙煎処理と同時間帯に焙煎後の前バッチの冷却処理及び冷却槽20の予冷を行なうようにして、連続的な焙煎冷却処理を可能にした。