One aspect of the invention relates to amethod of producing an edible aqueous liquid composition that has been supplemented with at least 2 mmole calcium per litre, said method comprising the successive steps of: a.providing an acidic aqueous liquid having a pH in the range of 1.0-5.0 and containing dissolved acid that is capable of forming a water-insoluble salt with calcium b.adding to the acidicaqueous liquid a solid water-insoluble calcium carbonate salt c.allowing the calcium carbonate to decarboxylate until all calcium is dissolved and d.stabilising the meta-stable solution against sedimentation of calcium salt by adding soy protein to said meta-stable solution and, if necessary, by increasing the pH of said solution to a pH of more than 3.2. Another aspect of the invention relates to a soy drink that can be obtained by the present method and that is characterised in that it will not form a calcium salt sediment when storedat 20 ºC under quiescent conditions for at least 3 months. The invention also provides a reconstitutable powder thatcan be reconstituted to yield such a soy drink.