The invention relates to medical engineering and can be used for minimally invasive surgery by selective ablation of soft tissues, bone and cartilage tissue in orthopedics, dental hard tissue in dentistry.The inventive surgical laser system includes three laser, a programmable controller, the I / O unit, mirrors forming optics, laser optical transport system, an optical surgical instrument. Each of the three lasers is a laser emitter which is connected with the corresponding laser power supply unit, a cooling system coupled to a respective power unit cooling systems. The first laser is used to ablate tissue hydrated, the second laser is used to hydrate the biological tissue, both lasers comprise processors, each of which is connected to its power supply unit and the laser power of the cooling system and a programmable controller surgical laser system. The third laser is coupled to the programmable controller through the laser power supply and block the cooling power. Programmable controller with their inputs connected to the input / output unit and the actuator, and the inclinometer and photo sensors for registering the diffusely reflected from biotissue third laser embedded in optical surgical instrument. Technical result: the creation of a surgical laser system for minimally invasive surgical procedures in the biological tissues hydrated with ablation of biological tissue to the desired depth and controlled.1 ab. . P f-ly 8 h. . P f-ly 3 Fig.Изобретение относится к медицинской технике и может быть использовано в малоинвазивной хирургии для селективной абляции мягких биотканей, костных и хрящевых тканей в ортопедии, твердых тканей зуба в стоматологии.Сущность изобретения: хирургическая лазерная система содержит три лазера, программируемый контроллер, блок ввода / вывода, зеркала, формирующую оптику, оптическую систему транспортировки лазерного излучения, оптический хирургический инструмент. Каждый из трех лазеров имеет лазерный излучатель, соединенный с соответству