The present invention patent relates to lighting lamps composed of LEDs which emit monochromatic or coloured light and can produce, by interaction mechanisms and technology-supported narration models, behavioural changes in humans and other living beings by displaying texts, graphics or motion pictures using the light, and are previously programmed as encapsulated narrations which can be triggered by the users, providing novel aesthetic experiences. These aesthetic experiences focus on the use of information produced by experience, and are useful, inter alia, for managing anxiety control, sleep cycles, changing habits, providing different forms of perceiving the environment, improving relationships with other living beings, improving communication with other persons, managing and improving self-esteem, the utilisation of time, the regulation of the circadian cycle, decision-making on the basis of climate-relevant information, the analysis of activity in the environment, the awareness of consumption costs. This is possible because these lamps can operate at different light intensities, use biometrics, environment sensors and communication devices, and provide an interface for humans and other living beings with the technology.La presente patente de invención se refiere a unas lámparas de luz compuestas por LED's que emiten luz monocromática o de color, capaces de generar mediante mecanismos de interacción y modelos narrativos soportados por tecnologías, cambios de comportamiento en las personas y otros seres vivos, mediante el despliegue de textos, gráficos o imágenes en movimiento usando la luz, previamente programados como narrativas encapsuladas que los usuarios pueden detonar, proveyendo nuevas experiencias estéticas. Esas experiencias estéticas se enfocan en el uso de la información, producto de la experiencia, que permiten entre otras posibilidades; el manejo del control de la ansiedad, el manejo de los ciclos del sueño, el cambio de hábitos, diferentes formas