As for purpose of this invention, as the taste item tastily with, the solidification speed and after solidifying, gloss which is suited for coating use, the case where it eats there are times when the oil and fat composition in order to obtain the coating chocolate and the particular chocolate which it possesses ill-smelling in the falling off from coating ones is offered. Furthermore the trans form unsaturated fatty acid there are times when the coating chocolate which is included as little as possible is offered. Furthermore there are times when the coating chocolate which raises cocoa butter content is offered. This invention 20 weight % of saturated fatty acid of carbon count 12 or less 2.5 weight % of saturated fatty acid above and carbon count 20 and above the ester exchange oil and fat A which is included and 35 weight % of saturated fatty acid of carbon count 12 above is the oil and fat composition for the coating chocolate which designates the lauric oil and fat B which is the non ester exchange oil and fat which is included as the necessary component, you use the particular oil and fat composition and become, it is the coating chocolate.本発明の目的は、嗜好品としてのおいしさと、被覆用途に適した固化速度及び固化した後のつや、食した際の被覆物からのはがれ落ちにくさを有する被覆チョコレート及び当該チョコレートを得るための油脂組成物を提供することにある。更にトランス型不飽和脂肪酸を出来る限り含まない被覆チョコレートを提供することにある。更にココアバター含量を高めた被覆チョコレートを提供することにある。本発明は、炭素数12以下の飽和脂肪酸を20重量%以上かつ炭素数20以上の飽和脂肪酸を2.5重量%以上含むエステル交換油脂A及び炭素数12の飽和脂肪酸を35重量%以上含む非エステル交換油脂であるラウリン系油脂Bを必須成分とする被覆チョコレート用油脂組成物であり、当該油脂組成物を使用してなる、被覆チョコレートである。