This invention is related to pharmacology, medicine, veterinary science and pharmaceutical industry; in particular to the process for the production of original composite antimicrobial and vulnerary preparations for external administration having an increased therapeutic efficiency in the treatment of skin and soft tissues infections. The claimed pharmaceutical composition contains antibiotic fosfomycin and finely dispersed nanostructured silica dioxide as active agents. The claimed process for the production of the pharmaceutical composition consists in mixing fosfomycin substance with finely dispersed nanostructured silica dioxide, characterized in that the micture of said substances in the weight ratio (25-75% by weight) : (75-25% by weight) respectively is being exposed to mechanical treatment by impact and abrasive actions to increase the weight percentage of the finely dispersed fraction (‰¤ 5 micron) to at least 40%.本発明は、薬理学、医薬、獣医学および医薬産業に関する。本発明は、具体的には皮膚及び軟部組織の感染治療により高い治療効率を有する新規複合材料抗菌及び創傷治癒外用薬剤の製造方法に関する。提供する医薬組成物は、活性物質としてのホスホマイシンと、ナノ構造微細分散二酸化ケイ素を含む。医薬組成物の製法は、ホスホマイシンとナノ構造微細分散二酸化ケイ素とを混合することを含む。上記物質の質量比が25~75質量%:75~25質量%の混合物は、微粉末分画(5μm以下)の質量比が40%以上に高くなるまで機械で衝撃磨砕する。