Pharmacological synthesis of dissolved glycerol bromide and 5-25% ethanol in hydrofluoride propellants containing 0.005 and 1 microgram/microgram hydrogen chloride 1M; filling method of an aerosol composite container, pharmacological analysis; use in EPOC, etc.
Pharmaceutical composition comprising glycopyrronium bromide dissolved in a hydrofluoroalkane propellant and a co SolventWhere the composition contains 1m hydrochloric acid in the range of 0.005 to 1,0 ug / UL; kit that includes; and its use for the Treatment or prophylaxis of respiratory diseases such as COPD.<;p>;Composició;n farmacé;utica que comprende bromuro de glicopirronio disuelto en un propulsor de hidrofluoroalcano y un cosolvente, en donde la composició;n contiene á;cido clorhí;drico 1m en el intervalo de 0,005-1,0 ug/ul; kit que la comprende; y su uso para el tratamiento o la profilaxis de enfermedades respiratorias tal como epoc.<;/p>;