The mechanism for adjusting the working bodies of the structure of soil equipment is used in agriculture in the broad senser, as well as in soil cultivation. The mechanism is an integral part of the structure of soil equipment and forms an essential element in the functioning and the proper application of tools for soil cultivation. The novelty is reflected in the structure and the possibilities that such a structure allows. Novelty is primarily related to constructive solution of supporting shaft (8) and working body retainer (9), whose interaction (moving the working body retainer (9) along the supporting shaft (8)) allows adjustment of the working bodies (1) in a large number of different positions along working width and along height of work body (2), as well as the possibility of reducing or increasing number of working bodies (1) if exploitation conditions and opportunities demand it. This mechanism and settings that it allows, contribut the selection of the optimal choice , layout and position of the working bodies of tools for soil cultivation, which significantly affects the rationalization costs of cultivation, universality in exploitation tools for soil cultivation, as well as the possibility of applying the same tools in different categories of tractors in different areas of agricultural production and on different soil types.Mehanizam za podešavanje radnih tela na konstrukciji oruđa za obradu zemljišta se koristi u poljoprivredi u širem smislu, odnosno koristi se kod oruđa za obradu zemljišta. Mehanizam čini sastavni deo konstrukcije oruđa za obradu zemljišta, i čini bitan element u funkcionisanju i pravilnoj primeni oruđa za obradu zemljišta. Novost pronalaska se odnosi na konstruktivno rešenje noseće grede (8) i nosača (9) radnog tela čija interakcija - pomeranje nosača (9) radnog tela po nosećoj gredi (8) omogućava podešavanje radnih tela (1) u veliki broj različitih položaja po širini radnog zahvata i po visini radnog organa (2), kao i mogućnost sma