A Member for interdental cleaning between teeth to remove impurities, comprises a Bristle made of thread for a length of 1 to 15 cm.Where the Sow has a percentage of Restoration to flexion of 10 to 80% and is formed to have a Tapered Shape at least a portion of the front of the Pig along the longitudinal direction of the Bristle that cerda has a diameter of 0.001 to 2 mm; method of Manu Invoice.
The present disclosure relates to an interdental cleaning member and a manufacturing method thereof, and more particularly, to an interdental cleaning member and a manufacturing method thereof, which may easily remove food residues between teeth without damaging the gums.<;p>;MIEMBRO DE LIMPIEZA INTERDENTAL PARA REMOVER IMPUREZAS ENTRE LOS DIENTES QUE COMPRENDE UNA CERDA HECHA DE UN HILO PARA TENER UNA LONGITUD DE 2 CM A 15 CM, EN DONDE LA CERDA TIENE UN PORCENTAJE DE RESTAURACIÓ;N A LA FLEXIÓ;N DE 10% A 80% Y ESTÁ; FORMADA PARA TENER UNA FORMA AHUSADA EN POR LO MENOS UNA PORCIÓ;N FRONTAL DE LA CERDA A LO LARGO DE LA DIRECCIÓ;N LONGITUDINAL DE LA CERDA, DE TAL MANERA QUE LA CERDA TIENE UN DIÁ;METRO DE 0,2 MM A 2 MM; Y MÉ;TODO DE MANUFACTURA.<;/p>;