Provided is an ejaculation facilitating device that prevents a core member from detaching from a container and falling into the container due to a pressing force during penis insertion or a suction force from a pressure reducing device, and that also improves air-tightness between the core member and the container. This ejaculation facilitating device is provided with: a core member 20 that is accommodated inside a container body 3 having an opening section 4 in at least a portion thereof, and that has an insertion cavity 25 extending toward the inside from an insertion hole 23 positioned in the opening section side and a core member anchor that anchors the core member to the container body. The core member is provided with: an accommodated section 20A that fits into the container body an exposed section 20B that extends beyond the container body opening section and is positioned outside the container body and a cover piece 22 that is connected to the exposed section. The cover piece is capable of covering at least a portion of the outer peripheral surface of the container body on the opening section side.Linvention concerne un dispositif facilitant léjaculation qui empêche un élément central de se détacher dun récipient et de tomber dans le récipient en raison dune force de pression pendant linsertion du pénis ou dune force daspiration provenant dun dispositif de réduction de pression, et qui permet également daméliorer létanchéité à lair entre lélément central et le récipient. Ce dispositif facilitant léjaculation est pourvu : dun élément central (20) qui est logé à lintérieur dun corps de récipient (3) ayant une section ouverture (4) dans au moins une partie de ce dernier, et qui est équipé dune cavité dinsertion (25) sétendant vers lintérieur depuis un trou dinsertion (23) positionné dans le côté section ouverture et dun élément dancrage délément central qui ancre lélément central au corps de récipient. Lélément central est pourvu : dune section logée (20A) qui