The present invention is about a method of producing testosterone formulation and the testosterone formulation produced thereby. The method of this invention comprises dissolving testosterone propionate and dibucaine HCl in alcohol, adding particular percentages of polyethylene glycol 400 and polyethylene glycol 4000, and cooling under particular speed to produce the testosterone formulation which has the advantages of moderate viscosity, easy to use and uniform in size.本文關於一種睪固酮製劑的製法,以及由該製法所製得之睪固酮製劑。本發明之方法係利用睪酮丙酸酯、鹽酸待布卡因及甲縮醛溶於酒精中,並以特殊比例加入賦形劑聚乙二醇400及聚乙二醇4000,而後再以特定降溫速率降溫進而製成該睪固酮製劑,該睪固酮製劑具有黏度適中、易塗抹、顆粒均勻等優點。