Яшин Анатолий Викторович (RU),Кузнецов Анатолий Федорович (RU),Хохрин Савва Николаевич (RU),Рожков Константин Александрович (RU)
The useful model refers to the field of physiology of digestion and can be used for studies on the analysis of the intake of minerals from the digestive tract of animals into the internal environment of the organism, for example, in assessing the bioavailability of feed additives, and also in the educational process during laboratory work.The device consists of containers 1 and 2 separated by a semipermeable partition 3 made of a small intestine wall fixed at the end of the container 2 by a clamp 6. In the vessel 2 with nutrient medium 4 a piston 5 is installed, made perforated, the upper end of which is provided with a flat disc 8 installed on the rod 10 rotatable relative to the latter and having holes 9 having a diameter equal to the diameter of the perforation of the piston orifices 7.The usefulness of the device for determining the rate of absorption of nutrients is that1. The process of research technology for the analysis of the intake of minerals from the digestive tract of animals into the internal environment of the organism is simplified when assessing the bioavailability of feed additives2. The availability of research on the analysis of the intake of minerals from the digestive tract of animals into the internal environment of the body is made available during laboratory work on the physiology of digestion3. As a result of application of the useful model, it is possible to simulate the processes of four main types of intestinal contractions (rhythmic segmentation, pendulum contractions, peristaltic contractions, tonic contractions), which makes it possible to increase the accuracy and expand the range of ongoing studies on the physiology of digestion. GtПолезная модель относится к области физиологии пищеварения и может быть использована для исследований по анализу поступления минеральных веществ из пищеварительного тракта животных во внутреннюю среду организма, например, при оценке биодоступности кормовых добавок, а также в учебном процессе при проведен