The present invention relates to a method of manufacturing grain syrup or taffy by using burdock, and burdock containing taffy manufactured thereby. According to the present invention, the method comprises the following steps: (S1) drying, roasting, and grinding burdock into powder (S2) steaming rice in a steaming vessel to make rice cooked hard, adding malt water to the rice cooked hart, performing saccharizing at 30 to 50°C for 6 to 12 hours to make a saccharized solution, filtering the saccharized solution, and then concentrating the saccharized solution at 110 to 130°C for 3 to 6 hours to make grain syrup (S3) aging the grain syrup made in the step (S2) in an aging device of 40 to 50°C for 3 to 5 hours to age the grain syrup (S4) adding the burdock powder made in the step (S1) to the grain syrup made in the step (S4) by a weight ratio of 1 : 0.2 to 1 : 0.3 and then mixing the mixture in a mixer and (S5) extending and then folding the mixed grain syrup mixed in the step (S4) by using an extender, repeating extension and folding to make burdock containing grain syrup or taffy. Since the burdock containing taffy includes effectiveness of burdock, functionality can be improved and preference can be also enhanced with excellent combination between burdock and malted taffy. While antioxidation and anticancer effect of the burdock are provided, and sweetness is properly reduced and delicate taste can be increased, and diet effect due to the burdock can be also expected. Accordingly, the burdock containing grain syrup and taffy, as a Korean traditional food, can be usefully used for functional novel snack, which can be enjoyed by everyone without concern of obesity, and other food sweetening.COPYRIGHT KIPO 2017본 발명은 우엉 함유 조청 또는 엿의 제조방법 및 이에 따라 제조된 우엉 함유 조청 및 엿에 관한 것으로, (S1) 우엉을 건조시킨 다음 볶은후 분말화하는 단계 (S2) 쌀을 찜기를 이용하여 고두밥으로 제조한 후 제조된 고두밥에 엿기름 물을 첨가하고 30~50℃에서 6~12시간 동안 당화시켜 당화액을 제조한 다음 필터로 여과하고 110~130℃에서 3~6시간 농축하여 조청을 제조하는 단계 (S3) 상기 단계 (S2)에서 제조된 조청을 40~50℃의 숙성