Disclosed is a computer mouse controller in communication with a computer having a display, at least one element, selected from a group consisting of a cable and a USB connector, of the display being responsive to the mouse controller for making the display to present information including graphical data as well as data in alphanumeric form, said mouse controller comprising: a device for measuring a person’s blood pressure, normally enclosed within the interior of the mouse controller and extendable to the exterior of the mouse controller while continuing to be electronically connected to the controller interior for permitting access to the device for measuring for receiving data of a measurement of the person’s blood pressure of a person’s health status a hinged door on the mouse controller for permitting selective access to the mouse controller interior to extend said measuring device through the hinged door to the exterior of the mouse controller and at least one electrical component selected from a group consisting of a solenoid, a motorized air pump, and a pressure sensor located within said interior of said mouse controller for transferring said data of said measurement from said mouse controller to said computer for observing an image on said display, said image being a manifestation of said measurement data.揭示一種與具有顯示器之電腦相通訊的電腦滑鼠控制器,該顯示器之選自由纜線和USB連接器所組成之群組中的至少一個元件係回應於該滑鼠控制器而使該顯示器顯現包括圖形資料以及呈字母與數字形式的資料之資訊,該滑鼠控制器包含:測量用裝置,用以測量個人的血壓,該測量用裝置通常係封入於該滑鼠控制器的內部之中,並可延伸至該滑鼠控制器的外部,且同時持續以電子方式而被連接至該控制器的內部,該控制器的內部用以允許該測量用裝置的出入,以便接收個人健康狀態之該個人的血壓的測量資料;鉸鏈門,在該滑鼠控制器上,用以允許選擇性地進出於該滑鼠控制器內部而使該測量用裝置經由該鉸鏈門而延伸至該滑鼠控制器的外部;以及選自由螺線管、裝上發動機的空氣泵和壓力感測器所組成之群組中的至少一個電氣組件,係位於該滑鼠控制器的該內部之中,用以將該測量資料從該滑鼠控制器轉移至該電腦以便觀察該顯示器的影像,該影像為該測量資料的表現形式。90‧‧‧血壓計92‧‧‧套箍94‧‧‧外殼96‧‧‧纜線97‧‧‧連接器100‧‧‧電腦101‧‧‧通用串列匯流排(USB)連接器102‧‧‧電腦顯示器