The present invention relates to a three-layered paper bag for fruit protection, which is placed on young fruit to protect it from the outside environment and to produce high quality fruit. In constructing a three-layered fruit protective bag consisting of outer, middle, and inlay, the length of the middle finger 120 is cut short by 20-30% of the length of the outer paper 110 and placed on the bag, and the inlay 130. In addition, after cutting 10-20% shortly, the structure is formed by giving wrinkles to the side and arranging it at the bottom of the bag. It has the effect of improving the sugar content and growth, and has the structure of a three-ply bag that improves the lack of coloring of the upper fruit, which is a disadvantage. If the burst to be exposed to the sun characterized in that by giving folds to inlay side a width larger than the configured geotji and stopped in order to prevent the change of the coloring. According to the above invention, the fruit bag of the three-ply structure is produced, but only the upper part of the fruit, which is the part that needs fruit coloring, has a partial three-ply structure. It solves the problems such as growth decrease and sugar content caused by the problem, and also makes the whole bag large to prevent the bag from being broken during the production of fruit. There is no need to make the whole bag large by increasing the inlay width by wrinkle processing on the side, which has the effect of expensive paper cutting.본 고안은 외부환경으로부터 보호하여 고품질의 과일을 생산하기 위하여 어린열매에 씌워주는 종이재질의 과일보호용 3겹봉지에 관한 것으로, 특히 배와 같이 과일상단부의 착색이 어려운 부위의 착색증진을 위하여 사용되는 겉지, 중지, 속지로 구성되는 3겹구조의 과일보호용 봉지를 구성함에 있어, 중지(120)의 길이를 겉지(110) 길이의 20-30% 짧게 재단하여 봉지상부에 배치하고, 속지(130) 또한 10-20% 짧게 재단한 후 측면에 주름을 부여하여 봉지 하단으로 배치하여 구성함에 따라 과일의 착색이 필요한 부위인 과일 상부 부분만 3겹구조를 갖는 부분 3겹봉지 기능으로 2겹봉지의 특징인 당도향상과 성장증진의 효과를 적용하고, 단점인 과일상단부의 착색의 미흡함을 개선한 부분 3겹봉지의 구조를 갖도록 하며, 또한 과일의 특성상 대과 인 경우 봉지가 파열되어 햇빛에 노출될 경우 착색의 변화를 방지하기 위하여 속지 측면에 주름을 부여하여 겉지와 중지보다 폭을 크게 구성한 것을 특징으로 한다. 상기 고안에