the subject of the invention is a way of obtaining protein from egg whites for food products, applicable to the production of food supplements.nutraceutyk u00f3w and pharmaceutical preparations, used especially for prevention, mitigation or treatment lipoproteinemii and / or to stimulate production of gamma globulin in mammals.especially in humans.method for obtaining of protein from egg whites, including the process of mixing with the oil koprowym chicken proteins.which successively is subjected to the action of electric field voltage 110 v and sublimation by liofilizacj u0119 this mixture to obtain granules, chicken proteins, characterized by that,the distance between the cathode and anod u0105 during treatment of electric field on mixture is fixed between 0.0 1 m to 0.99 min addition, the duration of action of the electric field to the mixture ranges from 2 minutes 35 seconds to 21 minutes and 15 seconds.and simultaneously undergo mixture wibracjom electrodes based on quantum theory harmonicznego oscillator.