1. A method of ablation, comprising the steps of: introducing the probe into the body of a living subject, wherein the probe is an ablation electrode select contact force acting between the ablation electrode and the target tissue, the power level and time interval prediction damaged area size which arise due to actuation ablative electrode in contact with the target tissue with said contact force when power is applied at a power level using the ablation electrode to a target tissue for its ablation during the time Interval la, by modeling the damaged area size as a nonlinear function of the contact force, power level and time interval, the prediction step iterations by increasing one of the contact force, power level and time interval as long as is found saturation point where further increases do not increases the projected size of the damaged portion, establishing that one of the iteration prediction step predicts the necessary size of the damaged portion ablative actuation second electrode in contact with the target tissue iablyatsii target tissue using the contact force, power level and time interval of one iteratsii.2. A method according to Claim. 1 further comprising the step of graphically displaying the predicted values during prognozirovaniya.3 iteration step. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein the iteration prediction step comprises changing the contact force and maintaining the power level values and the time interval at a constant urovne.4. A method according to Claim. 1, wherein the iteration prediction step comprises MOD1. Способ абляции, содержащий стадии:введения зонда в тело живого субъекта, при этом зонд имеет абляционный электродвыбора контактной силы, действующей между абляционным электродом и целевой тканью, уровня мощности и временного интервалапрогнозирования размера поврежденного участка, который возникнет вследствие приведения абляционного электрода в контакт с целевой тканью с указанной контактной силой при приложении энергии на у