The present invention relates to methods and devices for forming rolls from a plant mass and can be used in haymaking machines. A method is proposed for increasing the density of a coil of plant mass formed in layers by controlled rotation along a predetermined path in the compaction chamber of a continuously supplied layer of plant mass with compaction of the formed coil. For compaction when filling a given volume of the pressing chamber, the layers located in the center of the roll are stopped, continuing to feed the plant mass into the pressing chamber, with the formation of additional outer layers due to the shift in the rotating volume of the roll of the previously formed layers from the central to the outer layers until the final chamber volume is filled pressing, in which the rotation of the roll in all layers is absent. A pressing device from the plant mass of high density rolls in the form of a pressing chamber is also proposed, in which, on the side of each side wall, in the zone of the roll rotation center, there are locking elements uniformly distributed around the roll rotation center and installed with the possibility of controlled synchronous extension into the chamber in the direction of the roll center and reset to the outside of the camera. The locking elements on both side walls are symmetrically relative to the vertical transverse plane of the section of the chamber, and the magnitude of the extension does not exceed two-thirds of the distance between the side walls of the chamber.Настоящее изобретение относится к способам и устройствам для формирования из растительной массы рулонов и может быть использовано в сеноуборочных машинах. Предложен способ повышения плотности рулона растительной массы, формируемого послойно путём управляемого вращения по заданной траектории в камере прессования непрерывно подаваемого пласта растительной массы с уплотнением формируемого рулона. Для уплотнения при заполнении заданного объёма камеры прессования расположенн