A process of manufacturing herbal tablet for combustion from the composilu)n of ingredients for use as a disinfectant, killing of micro-organisms and air purification Margosa in the range of 0.13235g to 0.13864g, Cmmiphora wigti 0,04411 g to 0.04658g, sandal 0. 13235g to 0. 13864g, aquilana malaccensis 0.13235g to 0. I3864g, turmeric 0.13235g to 0.13864g, ocimum sanctum Linn 0.088235g to 0.089472g, valeriana wallichi 0.13235g to 0.13864g, Mace 0.088235g to 0.089472g, Ceylon 0.088235g to 0.089472g, taxus baccata 0.088235g to 0.089472g, clove 0.088235g to 0.089472g, Nepal cardamom 0,04411 g to 0.04658g, cyperus rotundus 0.088235g to 0.089472g, holarrhena anidysenterica 0.088235g to 0.089472g, red sandal 0.088235g to 0.089472g, clarified butter 0.04411 g to 0.04658g, g.m.a., red jigat 0.4411 Og to 0.46580g, Emblic myrobanm 0.088235g to 0.089472g, hedychium spicatum 0.088235g to 0.089472g, swertia chirata 0.088235g to 0.089472g, fine sugar 0.0441 1 g to 0.04658g, nardostachysO. 13235" to 0.13864g, Ironwood tree 0.088235g to 0.089472g, areca palm 0.088235g to 0.089472g, javintri 0.088235g to 0.089472g, withania somnifera 0.088235g to 0.089472g, adhatoda vasica 0.088235g to 0.089472g, cinamomum camphora 0.0441 1 g to 0.04658g, tinospora gulancha 0,04411 g to 0.04658g, ephidra valgaris 0.088235g to 0.089472g, trihulus terrestris Linn 0.088235g to 0.089472g.