The present invention relates to a prosthetic valve comprising a leaflet assembly having at least one leaflet (3) attached to a support element (2), the leaflet having a free edge, the free edge being a closure surface (700 ) And is movable between a first position where body fluid can pass through the valve and a second position where the free edge abuts the closing surface and closes the valve, If the valve is not subjected to a pulsatile load, a joining height H greater than 0.1 mm can be formed along the length of the free edge. Such a prosthetic valve provides good performance over a long period of time and can be manufactured using various materials for the leaflets. The present invention also relates to a valve leaf assembly for use in a valve prosthesis and a method for manufacturing a valve prosthesis that includes the manufacture of the valve leaf assembly. [Selection] Figure 3B本発明は、支持要素(2)に取り付けられた少なくとも1つの弁葉(3)を有する弁葉アセンブリを含む人工弁に関し、弁葉は自由縁を有し、これは自由縁が閉鎖面(700)から離れるように曲がり、体液が弁を通過できるような第一の位置と、自由縁が閉鎖面に当接して弁を閉じる第二の位置との間で移動可能であり、弁葉は、弁に拍動負荷がかかっていないと、自由縁の長さに沿って0.1mmより大きい接合高さHを形成できる。このような人工弁は長期間にわたり良好な性能を提供し、弁葉のための各種の材料を使って製造できる。本発明はまた、人工弁に使用するための弁葉アセンブリと、弁葉アセンブリの製造を含む人工弁の製造方法にも関する。【選択図】図3B