system for automatic detection and monitoring of harmful insects, solves the problem zamudnega physical examination allows detection and monitoring traps because of pests at a distance using camera traps system is particularly adapted for monitoring the occurrence of pests in permanent the plantations as trap and associated electronics is very light and it can be mounted in the crown of treesojni part device consists of the communication module which is also part of a feeder device is installed on a pole outside the treetops for better signal and better illumination and the release from the weight fall on wireless communication module communicates with stre\u017e connection niko where he installed the software, which is composed of the following main program modules with youstemom for recording images on the server program for avtomatskoprepoznavo target insects in the web application mobile application system may also provide weather those relating to other devices which are important for the promotion of the development of pests and additional help in planning activities. the data is transmitted to the user via the website or via apps on smart phonesSistem za avtomatsko zaznavanje in spremljanje pojava škodljivih žuželk rešuje problem zamudnega fizičnega pregledovanja pasti saj omogoča zaznavanje in spremljanje pojava škodljivcev na daljavo s pomočjo kamer v pasti Sistem je posebno prilagojen za spremljanje pojava škodljivcev v trajnih nasadih saj je sama past s pripadajočo elektroniko zelo lahka in jo je mogoče namestiti v krošnjo dreves Strojni del naprave sestoji še iz komunikacijskega modula kjer je tudi napajalni del naprave inje praviloma nameščen na drogu izven krošnje dreves zaradi boljšega signala in boljše osvetljenosti ter zaradi razbremenitve teže pasti Komunikacijski modul po brezžični povezavi komunicira s strežnikom kjer je nameščena ustrezna programska oprema ki je sestavljena iz naslednjih glavnih modulov program s sistemom za shranjevanje slik na