Общество с ограниченной ответственностью "Научно-производственный центр "Световая цветотерапия" (RU)
Козлов Владимир Алексеевич (RU),Шаров Виктор Васильевич (RU),Иванов Константин Сергеевич (RU),Гудим Вадим Александрович (RU)
1. A method tsvetoterapevticheskogo effects on the human body, comprising irradiating the patients eye by optical radiation through the device, comprising two glasses with svetoizolirovannymi eyepieces each having a light-scattering reflector, inside which is rigidly fixed to the light source as a set of LED emitters of different wave lengths of light radiation , the device has a master oscillator, the frequency of flashing the light emission controller and power supply, a light dimmer rad cheniya serially connected control unit generator modulating pulses and the modulator having inputs connected respectively to the outputs of the regulator frequency flashing light output, and the outputs - to the corresponding inputs regulator light-emission luminance, two switches, each with its input connected to the controller of the light emission luminances and output - to the light emission source, the control unit outputs are connected to the control inputs of the controller blinks the light emission frequency, the controller Brightness of light emission and switches, characterized in that a removable memory card, each of which is recorded in impacts algorithm electronically to the patients eye for each disease and prophylactic effects: colors and effects modes:. brightness, frequency of blinking, etc., and the actual device, in its base portion comprises only the light source, a matching circuit, the power device and the receiving device pamyati.2 card. The method of claim. 1, characterized in that the contact card1. Способ цветотерапевтического воздействия на организм человека, включающий облучение глаз пациента оптическим излучением с помощью устройства, содержащего очки с двумя светоизолированными окулярами, каждый из которых имеет светорассеивающий отражатель, внутри которого жестко закреплен источник светового излучения в виде набора светодиодных излучателей разной длины волны светового излучения, при этом устройство имеет задающий генератор, регулятор частоты мигания