The invention relates to medical technology and is intended for the treatment and prevention of diseases due to therapeutic action on human organism by low-intensity low frequency magnetic field. The novelty of the invention is in use of system of induction coils formed by several sets, and set consists of several coil pairs, in different technique of connection of coils in pairs (one-direction or opposite connection in order to create a field or field gradient), several supply channels, and modes and methods of procedure (12 power supply modes based on 3 types of modulation and 4 methods of phase displacement between channels, 3 types of space polarization, different power supply modes for different channels, different interconnections of coils in pairs for different pairs, combinations of listed modes and methods in different channels with different types of polarization). This enables to obtain many different time-space combinations of magnetic field and results in complex (integral) action on human body or other biological object due to activation of different mechanisms of interaction of magnetic field with biological objects. Action of magnetic field is based on normalization of biochemical and immunological reactions in human organism. The device disclosed can be used in the treatment of pathologies associated with inflammatory processes, in the complex treatment (e.g. in oncology using chemo- and radiotherapy), and for general magnetic therapy for prevention of different human diseases, including acute and chronic forms thereof.Винахід належить до медичної техніки і призначений для проведення магнітної терапії з метою лікування та профілактики хвороб людини за рахунок здійснення лікувального чи фізіотерапевтичного впливу на організм людини за рахунок дії на неї низькоінтенсивним низькочастотним магнітним полем (ННЧМП). У винаході застосовані нові конструктивні рішення : системи індукційних котушок утворені з декількох наборів, а набір - з декількох пар котуш