The purpose of the invention is to determine the anaesthetic effect of Halothane on Litopenaeus vannamei shrimp as a means for facilitating the medical practice and the routine handle. Litopenaeus vannamei shrimps of 15 to 20 g of weight were used, in sea water with controlled physicochemical parameters. The tests were performed in containers of 40 L, one per each 5-shrimp batch, testing Halothane at different immersion concentrations, measuring the sedation and general anaesthesia time at different doses. The anaesthetic state is verified using parameters such as the swimming, movements, response to the water agitation and physical control. After detecting the state of the general anaesthesia, the eye ablation, artificial insemination, taking of haemolymph samples and location of elastomers are performed. Then, the shrimps are returned to their original tanks with a continuous aeration and refill of water for establishing the recovery time. Based on the results, it is therefore concl uded that anesthetizing shrimps with the proposed substance allows the aforementioned procedures to be performed in an easier manner and with a lower risk of damage or death, thus improving the animal welfare.El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar el efecto anestésico del Halothano en el camarón Litopenaeus vannamei como medio para facilitar la práctica médica y el manejo de rutina. Se utilizaron camarones Litopenaeus vannamei de 15 a 20 g de peso, en agua marina con parámetros fisicoquímicos controlados. Se realizaron las pruebas en contenedores con 40 L, uno para cada lote de 5 camarones, probando el Halothano a diferentes concentraciones en inmersión, midiendo el tiempo de sedación y anestesia general (AG) a diferentes dosis. Para verificar el estado anestésico se utilizaron como parámetros, el nado, movimientos, respuesta a la agitación del agua y al contacto físico. Al detectar el estado de anestesia general, se procedió a realizar ablaciones oculares, inseminación artifi