Collapsible water-containing capsules comprising by weight: (a) from about 40% to about 95% of a water phase the water phase comprising at least 50% water by weight of the water phase and (b) from about 5% to about 20% of a spindle-shaped metal oxide powder which is hydrophobically surface-treated and has an average long axis particle size of from about 25 nm to about 150 nm, an average short axis particle size of from about 4 nm to about 50 nm, and an aspect ratio of greater than about 3.崩壊性水含有カプセルであって、(a)約40重量%~約95重量%の水相であって、水相の少なくとも50重量%の水を含む、水相、b)約5重量%~約20重量%のスピンドル(紡錘形状)成形された金属酸化物粉末であって、疎水性表面処理がなされ、かつ約25nm~約150nmの平均長軸粒径、約4nm~約50nmの平均短軸粒径、及び約3を超えるアスペクト(縦横)比を有する、金属酸化物粉末、を含む、カプセル。