The present invention discloses the procedure for obtaining complete spectrum of the Nadi pulses, as a time series and capable of detecting the major types and the subtypes of the Nadi pulses. The device of this invention involves three diaphragm elements equipped with strain gauge, three transmitters cum amplifiers, and a digitizer for quantifying analog signal. The system acquires the data with 12-bit accuracy with practically no electronic and/or external interfering noise. The pertaining proofs are given which clearly shows the capability of delivering the accurate spectrums, with repeatability of the pulses from the invented system. Nadi-Nidan is a prominent method in Ayurveda (Ayurveda is a Sanskrit word derived from Ayus and Vid, meaning life and knowledge respectively. It is a holistic science encompassing mental, physical and spiritual health), which is known to dictate all the salient features of a human body. Nadi-Nidan is a specialty of Vaidyas (Ayurvedic physicians) and hence the present system would enable the diagnosis accurately, quantitatively and independent of any human errors.