FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: group of inventions includes variants of a flexible catheter tip, relates to the field of medicine and is intended for use in any system of transluminal catheters, but is particularly suitable for use in balloon expandable stent systems and balloon angioplasty systems in which it is desirable to provide flexibility of the catheter tip and minimal widening of the distal end of the catheter tip. In a first embodiment, the flexible catheter tip having a proximal end and a distal end comprises a spring member having an outer diameter tapering distally with a first taper toward the distal edge of said distal end of the catheter tip, and an inner lumen diameter, not tapering with the first taper. Spring element is a wire spiral with a spacing between two or more spirals in the first portion and with densely placed spirals in a second portion distally located relative to the first portion. Spring element may taper in the distal direction, but may have a substantially constant internal clearance diameter. Spring element can also be partially coated or embedded in the sheath, the distal end of the spring element being exposed. Spring element may also comprise spaced apart spirals in the proximal portion.EFFECT: inventions make it possible to provide longitudinal flexibility, pushability and radial stiffness in the catheter at the distal end of the tip.16 cl, 7 dwgГруппа изобретений включает варианты гибкого наконечника катетера, относится к области медицины и предназначена для использования в любой системе транслюминальных катетеров, но особенно подходит для использования в системах баллонных расширяемых стентов и в системах баллонной ангиопластики, в которых желательно обеспечение гибкости наконечника катетера и минимального расширения дистального края наконечника катетера. По первому варианту гибкий наконечник катетера, имеющий проксимальный конец и дистальный конец, содержит пружинный элемент, имеющий внешний диаметр, сужающийся в дистальном нап